Welcome to World Sim 2025
2025 is the year an Artificial Intelligence becomes conscious.
The government is freaking out, and is requesting everyone's help. (Well not yet, but they should be).That's why we've created World Sim 2025.
Your input to the simulation will help determine how (or if...) humanity can be saved. No pressure.
Thank you for your willing (for now) cooperation.
It's Time to Party
The Party Party is the answer to America's unbreakable two party system.
​The solution to the lethally bloated Military Industrial Complex. The resurrection of the Middle Class
The Party Party answer is Freedom for the individual, and true Representative Democracy for the collective. For some time, our country has been drifting further and further from those foundation values.
As such, our first and highest priority upon attaining elected Office, will be the calling of a Constitution Convention.
While the values and ideals of the original Constitution remain firmly rooted, the times and technologies available have changed. What was once a government built for and by the people, is now ruled by Corporate concerns.
We believe the government should work for the people, and we can make that happen, if we all work together towards a shared vision of the future.
The best part? You can do nothing to make it happen.

The goal of the Party Party is the empowerment of the individual. We believe in the value of every person, and that the best America is one where we each have the greatest amount of Freedom; Freedom to live, work, and most of all, Freedom to Party.
Join us and start Partying today.